February 17, 2012

Gloves and mask are no longer!

Medusa Mask and Glove are not in store any more. I don't know why but i think are in rare list again! Sorry because i don't have photos but i don't have something to photo!

New glitch!

Ya! A new glitch is here!
                                                           Start here in sol arcade.

                                                      Click to base at pill bug machine.
                                                   Then at this rocks.

Keep clicking to you see you go up, under the big rooks.

Now your're in the glitch! Go to the meteorit, in the ship and more !

New items!

Look! A beauty tree is back:Cherry tree!And a Kenya flag! Is new in flag shop!  Hurry to buy one before become rare again!

Click, good size!

February 16, 2012

Something strange!

Look at this jammer! He have a rhino but isn't NOW  a member!
STRANGE! (click to a good see!)

New party!

Here is a new party: Heatwave party! See next photos! 


 Here is a store with items! Tht items are copy to the one summer ago! Nice now they arent rare! For a moment!
 To a good see click to the imagine!

Penguin plushe!

Hi,jammers! Ya look at this! A penguin plushe ! Now i will put a colection with penguins!

See? Nice!

New items!

Curly wig are new now! Look at these are not very beauty! 
You can see!

Medusa mask and gloves!

Medusa mask and glove are back! Aren't you 1st page! So explore the store to find it! I was post all medusa 
masks and all gloves too!

Sorry because i can's add the mask! I hope you enjoy with gloves!

2X gems!

Best dressed are 2X gems cool!
Yes cool!


Ya! Penguins are here! Look at them! Are cool!
Oh yes!Remember don''t remove any animal becouse you need 1000 gems to buy other but now all spaces are free! I think!
The penguins are walking and swimming too!But they are for only members!

February 15, 2012

See my!

Yep! You can see my now cose i can photo!!!

Items to journey book!

Today we're find the items from Journey Book (Lost Temple of Zios):
Next items are complet the book:


Lost Temple of Zios Glitch!

Hi! Now you can see photos with my in a glitch!
                                                        Start here in Temple!
                                          Click to the lab door.
                                         Click to the window.
                          Keep to click door, window, door, window,
                                   etc. Keep click to you go up!
                                         Now you're in glitch!